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Rachel Prendiville, Designer and Campaigner Posted on May 23, 2023 by planirl

Rachel Prendiville, Designer and Campaigner

Rachel Prendiville is a Dublin based Designer. In 2006, Rachel opened her own company in the Media Cube of Dun Laoghaire (IADT). In 2007, Rachel co founded Ampersand Design Studio an award winning, Dublin based studio which is a team of highly motivated creatives who believe in the power of visual communication and good design. Ampersand has worked with non-profit, educational and commercial groups in Ireland and New York. In May 2011 Ampersand’s work with MABS and St. John of Gods, Carmona services was the Winner of Biomnis Healthcare Innovation Award for the website MoneyCounts.

Along with her work with Ampersand, Rachel is the founding director of FREE mental health campaign. FREE is something Rachel is most proud of, developing the idea from her college degree show in ‘05 and bringing it to the real world seemed a near impossible task for a young designer. However, just two years later, FREE was launched nationally and funded by ESB’s Electric Aid.

Rachel has also gained support and funding from the Department of Health under the National Lottery and the HSE under the National Office of Suicide Prevention (NOSP).  This allowed the Campaign to reach thousands of students and kick started the National Positive Mental Health Weeks in colleges all over Ireland. With the help of USI, packs were distributed to 25 colleges dotted around Ireland.  

Because I am a girl I ask…that younger generations, dare to dream and take a chance every now and then. 

Because I am a girl I believe…that all women should be allowed to express themselves as they wish. It is these differences that make us unique, be it personal style, in a creative outlet, or by simply having a voice and being allowed the respect to be heard. 

Because I am a girl I hope…to never look back and say what if… 

Because I am a girl I wonder…if I will ever make it back to Australia and will I actually manage to meet more Australians then Irish this time.

Because I am a girl I dream…because I can! 

Because I am a girl I remember…a poster my mother had when I was younger, which held the caption “they found something that does the work of ten men…one woman.”

Because I am a girl I like…when I come upon a good quote, something inspirational, like this one made famous by Nelson Mandela, however it was originally written by Marianne Williamson…

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” 

Because I am a girl I dislike…negativity…

Because I am a girl I feel…happiest when I am catching up with my friends over a pot of tea.

Because I am a girl I…respect that I have been given opportunities others have not.

- Rachel Prendiville

Comments: One Response to Rachel Prendiville, Designer and Campaigner

  • terrie colman-black on May 23rd, 2011

    Wonderful work Rachael - you Mum sent it to me - I have passed it on to so many. keep up he great work.

    Reply to terrie colman-black

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Tell us what it means
to you to be a girl

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I have a much higher chance of making headline news - as a victim of rape, assault or murder. But because I am a girl I have the innate strength to carry on challenging the threats to my freedom.

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I rise to the challenge, and do the unexpected. I raise my voice so that I can always be heard. I push myself even when the little voices in my head are saying, sure you dont belong here, who do you think you are. I struggle on and dont alllow society to to label or box me because of the sex I am, the colour of my skin, my sexuality, my spiritual beliefs. I am, and I will.

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