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Edel Clancy, Director of Communications for Musgrave Posted on November 15, 2023 by ticklesister

Edel Clancy, Director of Communications for Musgrave

Edel Clancy is Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs for Musgrave Group.

Prior to joining Musgrave in 2006, Edel was global head of internal communication for Lucent Technologies based in the UK.  A native of Limerick, Edel was educated in Ireland, the United States and Belgium where she later spent six years as a European Union lobbyist before returning to Dublin to head up Corporate Affairs for Eircell (later Vodafone Ireland).  She was the founder and first Chair of the Irish Cellular Industry Association and is currently the Irish Coordinator of the European Association of Communications Directors. She has a particular interest in Women in Politics.

Because I am a Girl I ask… for no special favours, no special treatment, only that I am respected for who I am.

Because I am a girl I believe… that women are the greatest untapped resource that the world has. If the other 50% of the population ruled the world we wouldn’t have 50% of the population excluded from the realms of power -   law-making and decision-making.

Because I am a Girl I hope… to live long enough to witness ordinary women in power.  There are many examples of unique women who have made it to the top. These are exceptional, awe inspiring people. They achieved amazing things but they are not role models. We need people who will tear down the structures that prevent ordinary talented women getting access to power.

Because I am a Girl I wonder… at how important women are in my life.  My mother, my daughter, my sister, my mother-in-law; my sisters-in-law, my aunts; my nieces; my cousins; and particularly my girl friends. A powerful coalition of inspirational strength and practical support to me throughout my life.

Because I am a Girl I dream… of a country where the national legislature is made up of 50% women; where the judiciary is made up of 50% women; the senior civil servants are 50% women; and where the boards of public and private companies are made up of 50% women. Critical mass effects change.

Because I am a Girl I remember… the role of French nuns in bringing education to Irish girls.  In developing countries, education is an important route to economic freedom and independence. For every year of additional education that girls get, it adds 10-20% to their income potential. This is particularly important when you consider that girls are twice as likely as men to reinvest that income back into the family.

Because I am a Girl I like… shoes particularly high heels.  But I also like hearing success stories about female entrepreneurs. I heard recently that in the US between 1977 and 2007, the number of companies owned by women grew by 44% to 7.8 million. These companies added 500,000 workers while male-owned companies shed 2 million workers over the same period. In developing countries female entrepreneurs improve the lives of their family, extended family and their community. These are the people we should be investing in.

Because I am a Girl I dislike… snakes, rats and most insects. But I dislike intensely the sex trade and this global economic crisis that will force even more young girls into prostitution to help feed their families.

Because I am a Girl I feel… there is so much more that could be done and should be done. What would the world look like if aspirations of equality became a reality? An equal share in shaping and making a new vision for the future.

Because I am a Girl I… am proud to be a girl. The world wouldn’t be the same without girls and neither would I.

- Edel Clancy

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to you to be a girl

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I have a much higher chance of making headline news - as a victim of rape, assault or murder. But because I am a girl I have the innate strength to carry on challenging the threats to my freedom.

  • Because I am a Girl...

    I rise to the challenge, and do the unexpected. I raise my voice so that I can always be heard. I push myself even when the little voices in my head are saying, sure you dont belong here, who do you think you are. I struggle on and dont alllow society to to label or box me because of the sex I am, the colour of my skin, my sexuality, my spiritual beliefs. I am, and I will.

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